Is your brand future ready? Future RQ by I&CO
Brand visual for Future RQ

Future Readiness Quotient by I&CO blends hundreds of data points across key pillars of brand health. The result is a rigorous scoring system for an objective comparison to direct and indirect competitors.

Future RQ can be applied to your brand and industry so you can get a comprehensive view of your ranking and what drives it.

How Future RQ helps you

  • See where your brand ranks relative to competitors
  • Understand which brands are leading and why
  • Evaluate your company’s unique Future RQ
  • Identify specific gaps in your business and how to improve them
  • Establish meaningful benchmarks for your organization

Objective complexity made simple

Distill your brand’s Future RQ across business performance, customer experience, and sustainability. Drill down into the underlying components for a multi-layered analysis. Easily interpret Future RQ’s dimensional algorithm with a thoughtful visual system. 

Compare Metrics At a Glance


Reach out to us if you’re interested in evaluating your brand or how Future RQ applies to your industry.


See how we applied the Future RQ methodology to five key brands in the apparel industry.


We help our retail clients future-proof their business and realize their ambitions by designing and launching new products and services that create a lasting impact.


The future of styling from the street up.

Appreciate Your Time


Hope to connect if and when the time is right and wish you the best for the year ahead in any case.





Rem, Founding Partner

three light blue abstract figures holding a giant pair of binoculars